Thank you for the post. I am presently preparing and will be doing a post on Friday on the subject of pornography.

Paul wrote, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” When we believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, over time our life is meant to be transformed, so that we can be like Christ. However, the sad reality is that pornography has a vice-like grip on us.

59% of pastors said that married men seek their help for porn use.

57% of pastors say porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation.

69% say porn has adversely impacted the church.

May I suggest these figures are on the low side, as members are too ashamed to come forward for help and pastors don’t want to say that their church is being impacted.

However, the Good News of Jesus Christ, the gospel message for us today, is that we can find freedom from the bondage of pornography.

I will be repeating this announcement on Wednesday.

I hope you will find the post worthwhile. God bless you and have a great day. Robert

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Thank you, Rev. Robert, for your comment -- the figures you provide are so helpful in bringing awareness to the evil tragedy of pornography addiction.

I agree that the figures may be on the low side, since so many people who suffer from porn addiction also suffer from immense amounts of shame. Yet this knowledge provides an open door for us, because it shows us how to pray. We can pray for release to their addiction, certainly -- but also release from their shame, that they can see how beloved they are in the eyes of our Lord. In the Song of Songs our beloved Jesus sings to us, "how beautiful you are, how beautiful!" If only those who suffer from shame could see how beautiful they are in the eyes of our Lord, how He sees their imago Dei -- made in His image -- and blesses their well-intentioned hearts, even when they falter. Especially when they falter!

I'm extremely interested in your work. Is it possible for you to post a link to your research and article in these comments, so others can find it?

May God bless you in your ministry, may His face shine upon you and give you peace -- the peace the world cannot give. (Num. 6:24,26 ; John 14:27)

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Hi Jenny,

I will provide the link on Friday with my post, so that everyone can get the full picture, but to be honest, the stats are in the public domain, so its just a matter of Googling them as I did. Lastly thank you so much for your beautiful final comments. I truly appreciate them. Robert.

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